Our Mission

At Sound Shore Landscaping we employ terrific people, provide excellent service to our clientele, and enjoy sound financial strength through principled business practices. We are committed to excellence in every phase of our business. We know we cannot be successful without the people and the beliefs that unite us, which is why we understand and appreciate our Core Values that have been developed over the last twenty  years. As we continue on our path to position ourselves as the best Landscape Company, we will look to these values for guidance when we're faced with unexpected opportunities or challenges.

At Sound Shore Landscaping, we value:

Safety first: We insist on safe work practices at all times, as part of a caring work environment.

Serving the environment and our clients: Providing service is what we do, and no one does it like we do!  We treat clients with respect, doing more than expected, anticipating needs, and making a difference. The customer is always #1!

Trust:  It all starts with respect and integrity. We endeavor to assemble a staff of sincere, hardworking individuals, so that we may trust in each other to always do the right thing, to be open, honest with ourselves and others, and to be accountable to our clients and each other.
Respect and caring: We respect our clients, employees and the environment. We know the importance of listening, the power of understanding and the value of supporting each other through team work.
Diversity:  We share a common vision, and embrace and celebrate our individual differences. We are a company of diverse cultures, perspectives, attitudes, and ideas. Our diversity makes our Company richer.
Wisdom:  We not only teach, but we learn from others. We grow together.

Service Excellence: We constantly set and achieve high standards in our pursuit of excellence, as we continue to improve our quality and reputation.

Our Vision:

To assemble a friendly, professional staff who will cater to our client’s needs by offering  services and products that create beautiful outdoor living spaces. 

Put simply, "We Care" 

beautifying one yard at a time
design.transform.enjoy. LET US help.

Landscaping in Westchester New York

If you want a quote please contact us.